What are the 7 Stages of Male Pattern Baldness? Signs of Balding 101.

What are the 7 Stages of Male Pattern Baldness? Signs of Balding 101.

The Norwood scale helps you gauge how severe your balding is. In fact, in the earlier stages of male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia stages, your hair fall is easier to reverse. What stage are you at?

When we initially lose our hair due to male pattern baldness stages, it doesn't feel like a big deal. We think of it as 'normal' hair loss. That's the thing; we men sometimes mistake male pattern baldness for ordinary day hair loss.

Suddenly, we realize that the hair on our forehead is thin, or we notice a bald patch! 'How did I lose hair overnight?' we think. That's the thing with male pattern baldness; we don't realize when we normalize it.

Male Pattern Baldness is a leading cause of depression in men, especially when the hair loss is so severe that it is high-ranking on the Norwood Scale. Factors that lead to male pattern baldness can be genetic or environmental.

But what is Male Pattern Baldness? Moreover, after knowing what it is and finding out that it affects you too- wouldn't you want to know how to prevent male pattern baldness?

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